There is so much you can do to get involved and help us achieve a Blue Wave in the forthcoming local elections. Here are just a few of the things that our members would have been up to:
Meetings: Dinners and drinks with the rest of the group are always lively occasions, with a plethora of views coming from all sides of the table. Recently these have been replaced with Zoom meetings but our diverse group guarantees a debate and the shared goals that we all seek are what bring us together. Lifelong friends, inspiring mentors and valuable contacts are all beneficiaries of joining the team, and it ensures that our meetings are unmissable.
Canvassing: The most important political skill in the game is persuading voters to listen, to agree and to join. Our members are already distributing leaflets to engage with people and encourage them to vote Conservative in the next elections.
We do this by listening to people and finding out what they want from their representatives. We point out what our party has done, and what we will do for them. We hand out leaflets, take surveys, listen to criticism and report back to the party. This is how we constantly succeed; listening to and carrying out the will of the people.
We are the Party of Opportunity for a reason.
Join us and you can get involved in all of these activities, but also shape your own path as a Conservative through creating unique events and finding new ways to guarantee that Blue Wave come May.
Talk to us on our contact page, tweet us at @pre_conservat or email us at [email protected]