A bit about me
"My name is Chris Hamilton. I moved to Preston from Paisley, near Glasgow, and I’m proud to call Preston my home. Now, after living and working in the local area for more than 20 years, I feel it’s time to give something back to the city that has adopted me.
I am proud to have been selected to stand as the Conservative Party Candidate in the local elections on 4th May 2023. These elections are an opportunity for us to focus on local issues and the things that affect us every day in our community.
I work in the construction sector as a Construction Project Manager and I have delivered a variety of projects including new industrial buildings, office refurbishments and major infrastructure works. I believe that my background in the industry can bring responsible insight and value as our city continues to grow towards the future. My skills will enable me to contribute positively as a representative on the City Council including my experience developing business plans, managing budgets, taking responsibility for the safety of those working around me and delivering results for my customers. These are key strengths that I can bring, on your behalf, representing Greyfriars ward.
I want to ensure that our community remains welcoming, inclusive and a great place to live. If elected as your local councillor, I pledge to work hard on your behalf representing the needs of the area on Preston City Council. I am really looking forward to working with Councillor Geoff Aldridge, who already represent this ward. Together we can be an even stronger voice for Greyfriars residents.: